Saturday, October 24, 2009

Checkin' In

There's not much to report around these parts. I've just been doing the whole "work" thing. I have yet to pick up the Bristow Cardigan. Instead, I decided to finish up one of my WIPs. I started working on a scarf for my sister way back when. I never finished it (obviously), and I thought it would be fun to finish it up and ship it to her dorm room without her knowledge. It's pretty sad that I've been working on it all week and haven't finished. It's a basic knit stitch scarf! I'll probably finish it today and ship it out on Monday.

In other news, my computer has some sort of virus spyware thingy. I keep getting random popups propositioning me to meet new singles in my area. They're even complete with pictures of potential partners! I told Kai the computer has a virus, but I'm waiting for him to confront me about these "websites" I've been visiting. In a frenzy to safeguard all of my pictures from impending virus doom, I opened a Snapfish account. In doing so, I got 50 free prints, which was nice.

Both of the dogs are still kicking. The had mani-pedis at Petsmart on Wednesday. I splurged and went for the $11 nail grinding over the $9 clipping. Usually I'm very disappointed with Petsmart's services, so I decided to try a different one before writing them off all together. At the previous Petsmart, they'd only clip off a tiny bit. I understand they don't want to hurt the dog, but come on! In a week the nails would be right back where they were before the clipping! The groomer at the new Petsmart did a very nice job. He took off a decent amount AND he threw in a free ear cleaning. I will be requesting his services next time I'm in need of nail grinding.

On Thursday, the same day that I had to walk home from the train station (and was consequently in a very bad mood), I found that Darby had emptied my bookcase during my absence. Among the things that were totally destroyed, I found my photo album and GPS. The photo album can be replaced. The GPS, not so much. Let's just say it was a very bad day.

Darby's housebreaking seems to have gone out the window. Yesterday, after pooping and peeing outside 15 minutes before, she dropped a load in the living room. Then, 30 minutes after dropping the load in the living room, she dropped another load AND peed 2 times! All three poops were rather large, and I cannot for the life of me understand how she can possibly store that much poop in her intestines. FRUSTRATING.

There are some good times, though. Here's Xerxes:

He fell asleep with his but in the air.

And then there's Darby:

who is adamant about walking on the furniture, regardless of orientation.

They've gotten very cuddly with each other, and I managed to snap these pictures of the two of them cuddling with each other at bedtime.

If only every day had less destruction and more cuteness...