For a blog that is supposed to be about knitting, crocheting, and other handcrafting, it has sure turned into a rant circus. This entry will focus mainly on some recently completed knits. First up: the Ribbed Lace Bolero.

I knit this bolero with size 8 and 10.5 needles. The yarn - 2 skeins of Lion Brand Cotton Ease in "Violet." This yarn has great stitch definition, and it was very easy on the hands. My only complaint is that it stretches dramatically with wear. Because of this, I knit the lace portion shorter than called for in the pattern. Also, instead of seaming 3.25 inches on each side, I just seamed 3 inches. (I didn't feel like trying to seam the lace.)
The other project I'd like to showcase is the Spring Beret. The pattern is only available on Ravelry, so you'll have to search for it if you're interested. I knitted this hat with size 8 and 9 needles. I used 2 skeins of Sugar n' Cream in "Cream."

I like this beret, and I think I'll wear it often. I have one gripe, though. I think the ribbing around the brim is too loose. If I were to knit this again, I'd do the ribbing with a size 6 needle.
In other news, I celebrated my 24th birthday a couple of weeks ago. I mentioned a visit to Kai's parents' house in my last post, and I thought I'd elaborate here. We did all of the regular birthday stuff - dinner, cake, singing. I was presented with three very cool gifts. First - Fitted Knits by Stefanie Japel. I've already got my first project picked out, but I'm not going to mention it here until I actually cast on the stitches. I'm notorious for changing my mind.
Second - I got a beautiful rose plant. Here's a picture:

And last but not least - SNAIL EGGS!

Kai's little brother found the biggest land snail I've ever seen a couple of years ago and decided to keep "him" as a pet. He named the snail Gary, and one day Gary laid some man eggs. Those eggs hatched, and now Gary has about a million clones living with him. Anywho, Gary's been faithfully laying for a while now, and because of that I became the lucky recipient of one of Gary's man-clutches. I've been watching the jar like a hawk since I first got it, and so far there's been no signs of life. In fact, just today I noticed that the eggs are beginning to look shriveled. That can't be a good sign. I'm a bad snail mother! I hope Gary is having lots of fun with himself because it looks like I'll need another batch.
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