Saturday, March 6, 2010

On Religion and Such

...and now for some thoughts completely unrelated to knitting, crocheting, and dogs:

In light of the "Healthcare Debate" that's currently taking place, I've got something I'd like to address.

Abortion. Everyone's fighting over whether it should or should not be covered by insurance. Here's my thought: it should. Why? Because fertility treatments are. I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and as such, if you believe abortion is murder, don't get an abortion. However, I usually find that the same people who vehemently oppose abortion are completely supportive of fertility treatments. I see it this way - If you believe that every fertilized egg has a soul and is a gift from God, why would you artificially join an egg and a sperm and then place it into an already proven volatile uterus? When a woman goes in for IVF, many eggs are removed from her body so that they can be fertilized externally. Most, if not all, of those fertilized eggs will die. They'll either die in the dish, or they'll die when they're transferred. Apart from the fact that the participants are trying to achieve pregnancy through an artificial process (and not the one that their God intended), they are purposefully and willfully creating fertilized eggs (with souls!) to put in harm's way. It doesn't make a lick of sense to me. The same goes for other forms of fertility treatment. Each and every treatment has the potential to result in the death of a fertilized egg or embryo. Regardless of intentions, murder is murder.

I always laugh a little when I hear women who are pregnant with an absurd amount of babies say, "I could never do selective reduction (selectively aborting some of the fetuses so that the others have a better shot at survival). God gave me these babies." I'm sorry, but last time I checked, God gave you no babies. If God had wanted you to carry a child, you would not have had to go in for treatment. Now, because of your selfishness, you've put the lives of 5,6,7,8 children in jeopardy.

My second thought has nothing to do with abortion. It's about evolution. I am sick and tired of listening to people say that they don't believe in evolution because "man did not evolve from an ape/monkey/gorilla/etc." Please, if you're going to debate evolution, get your facts straight. No one said man evolved from an ape. If, in fact, man did evolve from an ape, there would be no apes in existence. Darwin said humans and apes share a common ancestor. That's quite a bit different. Once again, I believe everyone is entitled to their opinion. If you don't believe in evolution for whatever reason, that's perfectly fine with me. Using twisted facts to defend your view, is not.