Sunday, October 18, 2009

A Finished Object!

I finished Kai's Balaclava today! Here it is:

I plan to take a better "action" shot when Kai comes home from watching the ever so mesmerizing football game. This project came close to death plenty of times during its creation. I dropped a couple stitches here and there, miscounted, got distracted, you know the deal. But, when all was said and done, we had both made it through alive.

I've decided that I don't like knitting with bamboo double pointed needles. There was absolutely no "slide" to the yarn while it was on the bamboo needles. Now, I suppose a little friction isn't a bad thing with working with double pointed needles, but when it feels like the yarn is cemented down, frustration ensues.

I am now at that pivotal point where I have to decided whether I want to move on to something new, or finish up the Bristow Cardigan. I'm leaning more towards something new. The Bristow Cardigan still bores me, and I have a couple months to finish it. Perhaps I should work on some dishcloths, or the Chevron Lace Cardigan, or ...?