Monday, September 28, 2009

Getting Ahead of Myself, Again

Well folks, it looks like there's going to be another baby shower in my future. I secretly love making baby items because they equal instant gratification. I was my intention to start making items for my future Etsy shop after Christmas ends, but it seems like every time I think the obligatory knitting (which I love to do!) will be finished, something else comes up.

I think searching for the perfect pattern is half the fun. Today, during my lunch break, I hit up Ravelry full force in search of a baby sweater pattern appropriate for a male baby. I think I found "The Sweater," but since the baby shower isn't until next January (hence the "getting ahead of myself"), the possibility of me changing my mind is quite great. I have no baby yarn (at least I think I don't) in "male" colors, so I'm going to have to go yarn shopping (yay!) with money I don't have (aww). I think I'll opt for the Simply Soft yarn by Caron. That line usually comes in nice dark colors (Why does baby yarn have to be pastel?) while fulfilling the utmost requirement of all baby yarns: softness. And, of course, it's decently priced! I can't imagine that I'd have to use more than 2 skeins.

On an unrelated note, I discovered I am allergic to alpaca yarn. This is my completely unscientific opinion, though. I'm using this new found allergy as incentive to finish the three alpaca cardigans in queue. I'm a bit miffed by this discovery, as I would have liked to make myself an alpaca sweater. ::tear::