Sunday, July 12, 2009

So I've just about finished the simple sweater vest I was working on. I'm not happy with the result. The vest is way too small, but really I can only blame myself since I didn't swatch. To my credit though, I think the size of the needle the pattern called for was mistyped.

I haven't seamed the sides, but I have seamed the shoulders. I'll seam it up one of these days after the disappointment wears off. In the meantime, I've started another sweater vest, but this time it's a cabled sweater vest (Boogie Vest from Knitty). I swatched (learned my lesson!), and I think this one is going to fit! At this point in time, I'm a third of the way up the back. To be honest, I'm trying to hurry through this because I recently received a shipment of yarn I ordered from Knitpicks, and I want to start working on all of the Christmas presents I have planned.

Here's a picture of my progress on the Boogie Vest:

I would like to alter the neckline so that it comes to a V instead of just being split. I'm a complete beginner though, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to accomplish that. Oh well!