Friday, May 7, 2010


Last weekend I traveled to Maine with Kai and had a lovely 48 hours worth of vacation. The weekend was jam packed with activity (thanks to Maija’s ingenious scheduling skills), so I’ll have to share the abbreviated version here on my blog.

Day 1 (Technically Friday night)

-Maija and Jared picked us up from the Boston Airport. We headed to Applebee’s where Kai ordered spicy food and threatened to destroy Maija’s new sheets with explosive diarrhea. It’s a wonder they took us to their apartment.

-Watched Iron Man in HD on a huge TV.

-Went to bed. Kai didn’t stain the sheets.

Day 2 (Saturday)

-Had breakfast at a local diner.

-Went 4-wheeling. (I drove for a bit!)

-Went shooting. (I refused to use any of the guns save for one – the one that made the least noise.)

-Went to Uno’s.

-Went to bed.

Day 3 (Sunday)

-Had breakfast at another diner with Kai’s dad.

-Visited the zoo. (Kai’s dad is the director of the York's Wild Kingdom Zoo.)

-Had lunch from a local convenience store.

-Played Scene It!

-Hopped onto a plane.

-Returned to NJ.

I took lots of pictures and videos. I should probably set everything up on Webshots for easier viewing. Here are some highlights:

Leaving Philly!

Kai and Maija pose with a statue in Kittery

Shooting at some targets

Kai shooting a rifle!

Kai’s dad said we should return sometime in the summer when the zoo’s in full swing. I’d love to go back, especially when all the animals are present. Plus, we’d get the backstage tour. Kai’s going to look into getting some time off for another trip. I hope he can work something out. Maine is SO much nicer than NJ.