Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Settin' Up Shop

Disclaimer: I totally didn't forget about posting the UPenn Museum of Anthropology and Archaeology pictures. I've been holding off blogging with the intention of posting said pictures, but the urge to blog usually hits me at work, and I cannot ignore it any longer. I should set a day. How about Saturday?

A while back I decided that I wanted to set up an Etsy shop. I might have mentioned it here. I can't remember. I want to sell accessories: scarves, hats, cowls, fingerless gloves, etc. Originally I thought I'd start working on my "products" immediately following Christmas, but stuff has come up, namely two owl sweaters, my grandmother's cardigan (Yes, I chose a different pattern), and my dad's chemo caps. Here are the reasons I've been set back:

-I'm participating in an owl sweater knit-a-long with my friend, Sara. I'm making one sweater for me and one for my mom.

-Due to time constraints, I ended up shifting my grandmother's cardigan to after Christmas.

-My dad will be undergoing chemotherapy for Multiple Myeloma sometime soon, hence the need for chemo caps.

After these things have been knit, I am not going to allow myself to knit ANYTHING else (save shop products) until I have enough items for my shop. I've put some thought into my "brand name." I think I'm going to go with Darby's Doodles, but that isn't final. In addition to a name, I'm going to need to come up with a cool banner and procure a model (and some photography skills). Tags are a must as well. I want my products to look professional. Oh, and I can't forget about my shop profile and policies! I'll have to come with something witty and entertaining.

I don't plan on making it "big," or becoming a famous designer. I just want to recoup some of the costs of knitting in general. If I make a little extra, good for me. I want this to be fun, not a job. I already have one of those.